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Descrizione generata automaticamenteFotonica e Optoelettronica

Dipartimento di Fisica







The research activity of Photonics and Optoelectronics group is focused on innovative materials, both from a fundamental and applicative point of view, in particular for the realization of photonic devices. We work on synthesis, characterization, study of optical and electrical properties of hybrid organo-metallic compounds, mostly perovskite-based, including low-dimensionality materials and nanostructures.  The main application fields of these materials include sustainable energy such as solar cells, high-efficiency light emitters, materials fot photocatalysis, as well as optical amplifiers, sources of non-classical light, nonlinear optics.

Our experimental research activity is carried out in the Laboratories at  Dipartimento di Fisica, Centro Servizi di Ateneo per la Ricerca (CeSAR), AUSI center in Iglesias and in collaboration with national and international research centers.