Master degree in Physics - Laurea Magistrale in Fisica

I semester 2013

(2/10 to 21/12/2013)

Spettroscopia - codice 60/68/20

6 cfu - 48h

Absorption and Emission of Light- 6h

(Demtroder V1 cap.2)

Absorption, Induced and spontaneous emission

Einstein's coefficients

Absorption and emission spectra

Transition probabilities

Perturbation theory - weak and strong field limits


Widths and profiles of spectral lines - 4h

(Demtroeder V1 cap. 3 and Haken-Wolf cap16)

Natural linewidth, lifetime, Kramers-Kronig relations

Doppler and collisional broadening

Homogeneous and inhomogeneous line broadening

Saturation of optical transitions

Spectral line profiles in liquids and solids

Instrumentation - 6h

(Demtroeder V1 cap. 4)

geometric optics background: lenses, polarizers, optical aperture

dispersion and spectrometer



Lasers - 4h

(Demtroeder V1 cap. 5)


Population inversion and threshold condition

Gas, dye and solid-state lasers

Linewidth and coherence

mode locking and pulsed lasers

nonlinear optics (also see Haken-Wolf cap 17)

Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy - 4h

(Demtroeder V2 cap.1)

Ultrafast laser spectroscopy- 4h

(Demtroeder V2cap. 6)

Quantum Optics - 8h

Quantization of electromagnetic field

Statistics of light, photon counting and noise;

HBT and correlation; g1 e g2 coherence; antibunching;


Quantum cryptography

Quantum computer, entanglement and teleportation

Cold atoms

Lab experiments - 12h

Photodetector detectivity, noise and lock-in amplifier (Quochi)

Shaping of transform-limited ultrafast optical pulses (Quochi-Saba)

Time-resolved photoluminescence (Corpino, Quochi-Saba)

Efficiency of a solar cell (Mura-Saba)

Raman (Ricci)

Confocal microscope (Mura)